Student Stories: Makala Brent

Makala A. Brent is a rising junior and biology major at Bennett College in Greensboro, NC. After graduating with a bachelor of science in biology, she plans on obtaining a master’s degree in biology and eventually going on to pharmacy school.
Makala is an active member on the sophomore class E-Board and M.A.P.S (Minority Association of Pre-Health Students), where she serves as treasurer in both groups. Makala is graduating from Bennett College in three years because she attended a middle college while still a high schooler. When she graduated from high school in 2019, she had already earned an associate’s degree.
“With help from UNCF, I have been able to continue my undergraduate education at Bennett College. I have been awarded the Inez C. Keith Endowed Scholarship and the Foot Locker Scholarship. I am greatly appreciative of UNCF because not only have they assisted financially with my academic career; they have provided me with the tools to continue my educational career,” says Makala.
“UNCF has shown me that there is always someone who is willing to help me even when I feel like I have lost hope. UNCF has helped my offset some costs regarding my education. I have learned from Bennett College that I will always be a Belle for life, and ‘Bennett Belles do it well!’ I have gained a lifetime sisterhood from Bennett College, and I am extremely grateful for all that UNCF has done for me.”