2025 UNCF “A Mind Is…” Gala – New England
The 2025 A Mind Is…New England Gala will recognize outstanding partners who are helping to advance educational opportunities for the young people we serve.
This premiere event promises to be an enlightening and enjoyable time for our guests while raising funds for our HBCUs, celebrating their impact, and assisting the students who attend them in obtaining their college degrees.
We hope you won’t miss this celebration that helps UNCF invest in our HBCUs and better futures for our students. Thank you for considering this opportunity and believing with us that “A mind is a terrible thing to waste, but a wonderful thing to invest in.” ®

Seaport Hotel Boston
One Seaport Lane
Boston, MA 02210
Underwriting Sponsor – $250,000
- Underwriter Sponsor recognition on all event marketing materials
- Opportunity for CEO or senior executive to provide thirty-second to one-minute video or live remarks during
- program
- Exclusive sponsorship of dinner segment of Gala
- Opportunity to present a co-branded gift item
- Full-screen color ad displayed during the event (Due 2-28-25)
- Logo included on step-and-repeat banner
- Logo placement on event webpage
- Gobo of logo highlighted at venue
- Acknowledgment on social media before, during and post event
- Reserved seating for up to 40 guests
Platinum Sponsor – $100,000
- Platinum Sponsor recognition on all event marketing materials
- Opportunity for executive to provide thirty-second to one-minute video remarks
- Sponsorship of cocktail reception
- Opportunity to present a co-branded gift item
- Full-screen color ad displayed during the event (Due 2-28-25)
- Logo included on step-and-repeat banner
- Gobo of logo highlighted at venue
- Logo placement on event webpage
- Acknowledgment on social media before, during and post event
- Reserved seating for up to 40 guests
Gold Sponsor – $50,000
- Gold Sponsor recognition on all event marketing materials
- Full-screen color ad displayed during the event (Due 2-28-25)
- Logo included on step-and-repeat banner
- Gobo of logo highlighted at venue
- Logo placement on event webpage
- Acknowledgment on social media before, during and post event
- Reserved seating for up to 20 guests
Silver Sponsor – $25,000
- Silver Sponsor recognition on all event marketing materials
- Full-screen color ad displayed during the event (Due 2-28-25)
- Logo placement on event webpage
- Acknowledgment on social media before, during and post event
- Reserved seating for up to 10 guests
Bronze Sponsor – $15,000
- Bronze Sponsor recognition on all event marketing materials
- Half-screen color ad displayed during the event (Due 2-28-25)
- Logo placement on event webpage
- Reserved seating for up to 10 guests
Patron Sponsor – $10,000
- Patron Sponsor recognition on all event marketing materials
- Reserved seating for up to 10 guests