Rust College
Rust College is a historically Black, co-educational, senior liberal arts college founded in 1866 by the Freedman’s Aid Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church to offer quality programs in business, education, humanities, science and math, and social science to prepare students for leadership and service in a global society.
HBCUs Matter and Boost Our Economy
Rust College Facts
- Highlighted academic areas/programs:
- Science/Math
- Business
- Humanities
- Education
- Social Science
- First Year Experience
- Rust College adds 150 college graduates to the United States each year.
- Read more facts about Rust College.
News and Events
Clarion-Ledger: Civil rights veterans highlight role of Rust College during movement (7/22/17)
For Frank Smith and other civil rights workers, Rust College offered a “safe haven’’ as they braved the dangers of registering blacks to vote in Mississippi. It was at the state’s oldest historically black college and university that Smith was allowed during the 1960s to set up an office for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee and help organize the black community in Holly Springs. “This school was committed to the civil rights movement,’’ said Smith, who was a field secretary for SNCC in Mississippi. >> Read More
Rust College Staff