Lomax, Other Leaders and Experts to Discuss The Atlantic’s Progress Report: The State of the Black Community

Black Americans have battled inequalities for centuries—limited access to health care, housing discrimination, disparate education opportunities, and a widening racial wealth gap. But the coronavirus pandemic, and last summer’s protest against police brutality, magnified the glaring injustices in this country. So where do we go from here?
Building off The Atlantic’s legacy of explicating and illuminating American ideals, the publication is producing a series of conversations that will unpack the state of race relations and progress in America. They will convene social-justice advocates, economists, scholars, and others to outline how we can harness 2020’s cultural momentum to enact systemic changes that will create a more equitable America.
UNCF President and CEO Dr. Michael L. Lomax will join a roster of government, community and business leaders to discuss the topic. The public is invited to register and attend. Details and registration for The Atlantic’s Progress Report: The State of the Black Community is here.
See also:
The Atlantic: How to Launch the Next Great Era of Black Prosperity
Even today, in this time of racial awakening, many white Americans continue to ask the same demeaning question about historically Black colleges and universities that they did a decade ago and in the decade before that: With the end of Jim Crow and the integration of college campuses, does the country still really need HBCUs? >> Read More