Student Stories: Stella Sterlin
“Upon graduation it has been difficult to find employment in my field as a marketer. I have had failures and successes along the road. I applied for jobs day after day, became an intern for a several months, and realized that I was getting complacent in my life. There was a time where I had lost hope and my inspiration was no longer present, I did not want to follow my dreams of owning my own business and entering the fashion industry. UNCF has assisted me in accomplishing my goal of graduating college. Without the assistance of UNCF, it would not have been possible to complete my bachelor’s degree.

“I know at times when giving up may seem like the only option, UNCF has shown that there are many supporters that want to help young African American men and women follow their dreams. It is my job to keep pushing forward to show to UNCF and young African American men and women that there are people supporting the dreams of the youth and it’s the youth’s job to make sure those dreams are accomplished. I want to continue to follow my dreams to support those who have supported me along the way.
“Originally, I was not going to write this essay, then it came to my realization that’s the least that I can do—UNCF has been generous with its funds, so I can give back to UNCF as they have given to me. I am not in position to donate funds, but I am in the position to tell my story. I will continue to push forward and fight the obstacles that will come my way.
“Thank you UNCF for supporting me along my college career and providing a way for me to follow my dreams.”