UNCF Report “Imparting Wisdom” Recognizes HBCU Lessons for K-12 Education

UNCF’s Frederick D. Patterson Research Institute (FDPRI) has released a new report, Imparting Wisdom: HBCU Lessons for K-12 Education, which details historically black colleges and universities’ (HBCUs) longstanding efforts to provide quality educational experiences for their students and how their success may be translated in K-12 schools—specifically schools with demographics similar to HBCU populations.
HBCUs are often overlooked as sources of effective methods for producing high-achieving black students, although their existence is based on this very premise. Imparting Wisdom highlights research-based HBCU best practices, practical recommendations and insights from HBCU leaders, with the goal of promoting mutually beneficial alliances between the K-12 and HBCU communities.