Ways to Donate to Help Students

College tuition hikes and decreasing financial aid have caused more and more students to apply to UNCF for assistance each year.
However, we can only support one out of every 10 students who applies. Therefore, nine out of 10 deserving, ambitious students have to be told “no.” Why? Because we do not have sufficient funds. These students are our future health professionals, social workers, teachers, government policy makers, and military men and women—they are the future prosperity of our nation. We must do more. And with your help we can.
I want to give
Ways you can help
UNCF Emergency Student Aid (ESA) Program
For low-income families—like those of the 92 percent of UNCF students who qualify for financial aid—the money needed to handle an emergency can mean the difference between staying in school and dropping out. Get details about the ESA Program.
It’s Easy to Help on Giving Tuesday
- Donate today by visiting UNCF.org/Donate
- Share your donation on social media using #GivingTuesday
- Sign up for UNCF’s e-mail list at UNCF.org
- Follow #UNCF on Facebook, Twitter @UNCF and Instagram
- Give through your job; ask your employer to join the UNCF Workplace program
UNCF offers a variety of convenient ways for you to give meaningful gifts that help students with fees, books, supplies, room and board and tuition:
Planned Giving
Bequests. Annuities. Unitrusts. Life insurance. Stock options. Real estate. These are just a few of the planned giving options that can help you contribute to UNCF.
Monthly Giving
Giving a small (or large) amount each month can have a significant impact on the lives of students.
Workplace Giving
A little each payday adds up to a lot of student support. Join the thousands of employees and employers who are using workplace giving to make a difference.
Please do as much as you can because “A mind is a terrible thing to waste, but a wonderful thing to invest in.”®