Wiley University Choir Appears on “Birth of a Nation” Soundtrack

Lewis Keys, '12, sang the melody in Wiley's choir during his four years at the College; it is featured on the soundtrack and can now be purchased on ITunes. 

With its most recent accomplishments of recording music for actor Nate Parker’s directorial debut, “The Birth of a Nation,” and the movie’s soundtrack CD, which was released by Atlantic Records, the A Cappella Choir of Wiley University [a UNCF-member institution] continues to share its music ministry around our country and the world.

Under the baton of its  artistic director, Stephen L. Hayes, who is an assistant professor of music at Wiley, the choir spent two days in November 2015  in the College’s chapel recording the scene and atmospheric music for the movie, including the hauntingly moving melody “I Couldn’t Hear Nobody Pray,” featuring Lewis Keys ’12.

View the recording session


Did you know?

Wiley University in Marshall, TX, has once again been ranked in the U.S. News & World Reports America’s Best Colleges as one of the best values among the 320 comprehensive colleges ranked within four regions: North, South, Midwest, and West. Wiley also ranked in the western region for highest acceptance rate among comprehensive colleges offering baccalaureate degrees, as well as having the largest percentage of alumni donors.