Oakwood University
Consistently ranked by U.S. News and World Report as one of the best regional colleges and universities, Oakwood University is a historically black, Seventh-day Adventist institution with an important mission: to transform students through biblically-based education for service to God and humanity.
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When we apply love to leadership we must conclude that leadership and service, however celebrated, rewarded or applauded, if done without love, is profitless.” — Leslie N. Pollard, President
God first!
It’s not just our institutional aim, it’s the very core around which our identity, ethics, values, relationships and curricula orbits. Whether it’s in classrooms, dorms or the dining hall, on the campus green or anywhere in between, we strive to put God first in everything we do. Simply put, it’s a way of life, with many ministries and mission opportunities to choose from, including choirs, drama clubs and outreach and mission groups.
Oakwood University Staff
It was my four years at Oakwood that prepared me for success through medical school and continued success through residency. There is no place like Oakwood and no experience better than the Oakwood experience.
Michelle Spencer, M.D., Class of 2009, Loma Linda University Medical School, Class of 2013 Pediatric Resident, University of Florida Hospital