Social Shares
We appreciate your support as we continue to center families’ voices as key stakeholders in our children’s education. In addition to reviewing the report and helping us to implement its recommendations, we encourage you to share our resources with your network.
For each of the Key Findings below, clicking “Share on Facebook” or “Share on X” will generate a link to your social media platform of choice. Feel free to copy and paste the suggested text, or click on the graphic to visit the report’s detailed page for more information. Include #UNCFk12 or #UNCFParentVoices to join the conversation!
Aenean eu metus odio. Nunc eu pulvinar risus. Morbi facilisis, nibh eget egestas pulvinar, est erat fermentum tortor, et porta lacus elit a mi. Ut viverra suscipit metus vel commodo.