2024 UNCF Mayors’ Masked Ball – Pee Dee Area
The 10th Annual Pee Dee Area UNCF Mayors’ Masked Ball is a premier fundraising gala and major social event focusing on raising awareness of the need and benefits of a college education, the students UNCF serves and the contributions of historically black colleges and universities. This year is especially exciting as UNCF is celebrating its 80th Anniversary. Hosted by a diverse group of corporate sponsors, local businesses and professional organizations, the Pee Dee Area UNCF Mayors’ Masked Ball is an evening of celebration attended by civic leaders, alumni, dignitaries, volunteers and friends of UNCF. This must-attend event is full of fun, fashion and glamour, and supports UNCF’s mission of investing in Better Futures® for the young men and women we serve by helping them move to and through college.

Florence Center
3300 W. Radio Drive
Florence, SC 29501
Title Sponsor – $25,000
- Twenty (20) tickets to Mayors’ Masked Ball with estate table seating
- Twenty (20) VIP tickets to Private Sponsor Reception
- Prominent brand placement as the Host for the Private Sponsor Reception
- Brand recognition in select print and electronic media
- :60 second remarks during program
- :60 second video promoting the organization
- Full-screen ad and logo on event video loop
- Large logo in digital program booklet and on screen
Presenting Sponsor – $15,000
- Sixteen (16) tickets to Mayors’ Masked Ball with estate table seating
- Twelve (12) VIP tickets to Private Sponsor Reception
- Brand recognition in select print and electronic media
- :60 second remarks during program or video promoting organization
- Full-screen ad and logo on event video loop
- Large logo in digital program booklet and on screen
Marquis Sponsor – $10,000
- Twelve (12) tickets to Mayors’ Masked Ball with special seating
- Ten (10) VIP tickets to Private Sponsor Reception
- Brand recognition in select print and electronic media
- :60 second video promoting organization
- Full-screen ad and logo on event video loop
- Large logo in digital program booklet and on screen
Mayors’ Royal Court Sponsor – $5,000
- Eight (8) tickets to Mayors’ Masked Ball
- Eight (8) VIP tickets to Private Sponsor Reception
- Brand recognition in select print and electronic media
- Half-screen ad and logo on event video loop
- Medium logo in digital program booklet and on screen
Mayors’ Masked Court Sponsor – $3,500
- Eight (8) tickets to Mayors’ Masked Ball
- Six (6) VIP tickets to Private Sponsor Reception
- Brand recognition in select print and electronic media
- Medium logo listed on digital program booklet and screen
Mayors’ Court Sponsor – $2,500
- Eight (8) tickets to Mayors’ Masked Ball
- Four (4) VIP tickets to Private Sponsor Reception
- Brand recognition in select print and electronic media
- Small logo listed on digital program booklet and screen
Friends of UNCF Sponsor – $1,500
- Four (4) tickets to Mayors’ Masked Ball
- Two (2) VIP tickets to Private Sponsor Reception
- Name listed on digital program booklet and screen
Scholar’s Ticket – $150
- One (1) admission ticket to Mayors’ Masked Ball