Joakina Stone
Joakina Stone is the senior relationship manager for academic support and student services for the UNCF STEM Scholars Program. Joakina’s responsibilities include the development of the STEM Scholars Program’s Academic Advising and Student Support Services unit. This department within the program focuses on ensuring that scholars successfully navigate the rigorous challenges associated with a STEM-oriented education, while developing critical wrap-around support services to support scholars through the entire sequencing of their undergraduate careers. She also focuses on developing critical partnerships and program initiatives to enhance program efficacy.
Joakina also provides support to former scholars through the UNCF STEM Scholars Alumni Association as they embark on life after the undergraduate degree. Throughout her 10-year career in higher education, she has worked in various functional areas including residential life, academic advising and diversity and inclusion initiatives at historically white and historically black institutions. In addition to being a senior manager for UNCF, Joakina is pursuing a Ph.D. in the College of Education at University of Maryland.