Meharry Medical College
UNCF’s holistic, powerful study, “Transforming Futures: The Economic Engine of HBCUs,” reaffirms the significant economic contributions of Meharry Medical College. Through the production and consumption of various goods and services by Meharry Medical College’s faculty, employees and students, this institution acts as a catalyst for economic growth locally and regionally. This dynamic creates a ripple effect, leading to increased employment opportunities, heightened economic expansion and a more dynamic community environment.
Founded in 1876 in Nashville, Tennessee, Meharry Medical College (Meharry) became the first medical school in the south for African Americans. Meharry offers a diverse array of degree programs, featuring prominent ones in medicine, dentistry, and applied computational science.
$308.4Total Economic Impact
$1.3BTotal Lifetime Earnings of 2021 Graduates