HBCU Alumni Raves

Share your UNCF Story
Have you received a UNCF scholarship or internship? Did you graduate from a UNCF-member college? How did your experience change your life? What challenges did you face—academic, social or financial—getting to and through college? What advice would you give to someone in the same situation? Share your story here.

Lawrence Brown
Oakwood University, Class of 2013, Medical Student, Meharry Medical College
“Not only did Oakwood University provide me a strong foundation in music and the basic sciences, but it also allowed me to develop life-long friendships and an intimate relationship with Christ.”

Rock Anderson
Dillard University, Class of 1985, Senior Vice President and Chief People Officer, Cox Automotive, Atlanta
“Where some institutions may have acted in a non-caring manner, treating a student as one of tens of thousands, the Dillard faculty took the time to work with me and coach me, re-charting my course. If not for my time at Dillard, my life would not be what it is today. Dillard welcomed me, supported me, nurtured me, challenged me personally, and developed me professionally. I am thankful the university and faculty recognize the potential of its students. And, I am thankful that I now have the opportunity to do the same for others every day.”

Charles Eaton
Oakwood University, Class of 2013, The University of Chicago Law School
“I can honestly say that Oakwood University has played a crucial role in preparing me for all of the roles I have taken on thus far. Amazing teachers at Oakwood developed my critical thinking and writing skills so that I could take on the challenge of a top-flight law school. Most importantly, the spiritual atmosphere of Oakwood grounded me in my faith so that I would not get lost in my own ambitions once I left the campus. All of these things working in conjunction have made me who I am today, and I am proud to call myself an Oakwoodite.”

Christopher Mathis
Oakwood University, Class of 2014, Law Student, University of South Carolina
“My time at Oakwood was transformative because the culture embraced, invested and molded a young country boy from South Carolina to a Christ-led focused man. Without Oakwood, the much-needed confidence and humility to navigate our world today would be non-existent.”

Michelle Spencer, M.D.
Oakwood University, Class of 2009, Loma Linda University Medical School, Class of 2013, Pediatric Resident, University of Florida Hospital
“It was my four years at Oakwood that prepared me for success through medical school and continued success through residency. There is no place like Oakwood and no experience better than the Oakwood experience.”

Shianne Webb
Oakwood University, Class of 2013, Dental Hygienist Student, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“Oakwood gave me the confidence to reach for the future I see for myself. My four years there prepared me academically, spiritually and socially to be the woman I am today. I wouldn’t trade my Oakwood experience for any other.”