UNCF National Alumni Council

The National Alumni Council (NAC) is a UNCF sponsored organization of concerned graduates, current students of the 37 member institutions supported by UNCF and individuals who want to advance the cause of black higher education. This educational impact supports more than 60,000 students each year and celebrates the accomplishments of 450,000 graduates. The NAC was founded in 1946 by Fisk University alumnus James E. Stamps. Its mission is to support, promote, influence, and strengthen historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs).
In support of UNCF and its mission, the NAC will:
- Increase individual contributors and contributions from alumni to their alma maters.
- Increase individual contributions to UNCF.
- Maintain a strong communications network among alumni of UNCF-member schools.
- Disseminate information of vital importance to the life and well-being of HBCUs.
- Provide volunteer assistance to local UNCF campaigns through Inter-Alumni Councils and Pre-Alumni Councils.
- Inform the general public, prospective students and funding sources of the value of HBCU alumni to civic improvement and community progress.
- Encourage recent graduates to become active members of their respective alumni associations.
- Develop and pursue other goals relevant to strengthening and expanding the contributions of HBCUs and HBCU alumni.
The foundation of NAC’s mission is a commitment to work with UNCF to ensure that its network of member institutions is a respected model of best practices in moving students to and through college. The alumni and pre-alumni prescribe to fulfill its mission through committing to the tenets of advocating for HBCUs, recruitment of students and engaging with alumni and fundraising for its member institutions and UNCF. All graduates of a UNCF-member institution are automatically members of the UNCF National Alumni Council and encouraged to be active in the NAC and with one of its constituent groups.
The NAC is governed by a Board of Directors composed of persons elected by the membership. The Board of Directors plans and organizes activities of the NAC and provides oversight and assistance to its constituent groups. Additionally, the NAC serves as the umbrella organization for Inter-Alumni Councils, the National Pre-Alumni Council, the UNCF National Alumni Associations and other organizations that subscribe to UNCF’s mission.
Learn more at UNCF.org/alumni.
Stay Connected with the NAC and NPAC
National Alumni Council
National Pre-Alumni Council