UNCF Chevron Corporate Scholars Program: How to Compile a Strong Application for Consideration

Take a look at these quick tips for help with compiling a stellar Chevron application for consideration. Read below to learn more about how you can develop a standout application in a highly competitive scholarship applicant pool.
Tip #1: Make sure you’ve read the scholarship eligibility requirements and are in-fact eligible.
Our application review process is very meticulous, therefore please don’t do yourself a disservice by applying “just because” to see what happens.
Tip #2: Be sure to meet the application deadline. Utilize a calendar or planner, develop a schedule and stick to it.
Missing the deadline makes you ineligible.
Tip #3: Gather your application materials early!
If you plan and organize your materials with a substantial amount of time from the deadline date, you’ll surely be able to compile a strongly completed application.
Tip #4: Get a trusted professional to review your materials before submitting, especially your resume.
We’re looking for resumes that are concise, free of typos, grammar and are presented in a reader-friendly format.
Tip #5: Take the essay writing portion seriously.
Think about what you are being asked use this opportunity to tell the review committee why you are interested and the best candidate to consider for this scholarship. Again, be sure to have a trusted professional or friend proofread your essays.
Tip #6: Upload your high school transcript (official or unofficial), college enrollment letter, financial aid award letter, etc., in the pdf, jpeg or Word document format.
It’s important that documents uploaded are submitted in a legible presentation. We need to be able to verify information such as your high school, graduation date, your cumulative gpa and your college of intent for the upcoming academic year.
Tip #7: Once you’ve submitted your application, pat yourself on the back!
Whether you are selected or not please know that there are always more opportunities available on the UNCF scholarships webpage. Continue to check it out for other opportunities.