UNCF STEM Scholars News

(7/12/18) UNCF Announces Third Class of UNCF® STEM Scholars Through $48M Investment From Fund II Foundation
Five-year commitment will invest in and empower the next generation of African American STEM innovators and tech entrepreneurs
(10/18/17) UNCF HBCU ICE Summit Opens Silicon Valley Doors to Talented Students
UNCF conference Oct. 25-29 addresses the diversity gap in Silicon Valley
(7/17/17) UNCF Announces Second Class of UNCF® Stem Scholars Through $48M Investment from Fund II Foundation
Five-year commitment will invest in and empower the next generation of African American STEM innovators and tech entrepreneurs
(11/14/16) HBCUs Join Silicon Valley Tech Companies for UNCF’s Fourth Annual HBCU I.C.E. Summit
UNCF Conference Nov. 16-19 Empowers Future African American Innovators and Aims to Address the Diversity Gap in Silicon Valley
(7/28/16) UNCF Announces Inaugural Class of Fund II Foundation UNCF Stem Scholars
$48 million commitment over five years will invest in and empower the next generation of African American STEM innovators and tech entrepreneurs
(3/7/16) UNCF and Fund II Foundation Launch a $48 Million Scholarship Program to Support African American Students Pursuing STEM Careers
Initiative aims to create a diverse pipeline of employees in the technology and innovation sectors