Employee Stories: Mary Williams

“I have worked for UNCF for 15 years and lead the outreach and recruitment team. It is a pleasure to share information and opportunities on the scholarships, fellowships and internships offered through UNCF with students, educators, parents and the community at large through workshops and webinars.
“I work for UNCF because the organization makes a difference in the lives of thousands of students by providing educational funding, internship opportunities and support for UNCF-member institutions. My son, a graduate of UNCF-member institution Morehouse College, utilized the many tips we share during scholarship workshops, and he graduated debt-free.
“Students and their families should visit our scholarship section, complete a profile, and apply for the scholarships and internships for which the student is eligible.
“UNCF wants to make a difference in your life—take the first step, complete a profile on the scholarship website today.
Mary Williams
Director of Outreach and Recruitment
Washington, DC