UNCF Pilot Program Awards $35M in Grants to Address Employment Gaps Issue
Because more than half of recent African American college graduates are underemployed and 12 percent are unemployed, UNCF today announced that 24 colleges and universities will receive five-year grants totaling $35.3 million to implement programs to improve employment outcomes for their graduates.

Made possible through a grant from Lilly Endowment Inc., the UNCF® Career Pathways Initiative (CPI) is a unique pilot program for select historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and predominantly black institutions (PBIs) that is helping them enhance career readiness for their 54,000 enrolled students. >> Read More
“These colleges and universities show promise in significantly addressing the urgent challenges facing African American college students and graduates. CPI will help ensure our graduates are prepared for and hired into high-paying 21st century jobs. ”Dr. Michael L. Lomax, UNCF president and CEO
View a complete list of colleges and universities receiving the grants.