UNCF Day of Worship — Your Congregation can be the Answer to a Student’s Prayers

For almost eight decades, UNCF and the interfaith community have partnered together: UNCF has always been there for the interfaith community, and the interfaith community has always been there for UNCF its member institutions and its students. Please Invest in Better Futures® by investing in our students. They will be the teachers who will educate our children, the doctors who will care for us and the ministers who will lead our congregations. Our member institutions and students need you. And now, more than ever, UNCF needs you!
What is UNCF Day of Worship?
Each year, hundreds of churches and congregations around the country set aside a day of worship or a special UNCF Day of Worship, ask their members to donate and support the students we serve by supporting UNCF. With that support, UNCF can provide the financial resources member HBCUs need to educate the next generation of professionals and community leaders. With your assistance, UNCF can award more than 10,000 scholarships a year.
When is UNCF Day of Worship?
A UNCF Day of Worship to support the National Interfaith and Education Initiative can be held any day of the year. Contact your local UNCF partner for more information.
Help make a difference by hosting a UNCF Day of Worship at your house of worship any time. Contact your local or regional office and get information on how to host an event.
Support materials you can download and use for your congregation’s UNCF Day of Worship:
2023 National NFI Flyer 8.5×11
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