UNCF National Interfaith and Education Initiative
Since 1944, UNCF and the interfaith community have invested in each other. Churches and other places of worship around the country have helped historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) keep their doors open and their dedication to education strong. And UNCF has reached out around the country to raise the funds their students need to become the next generation of ministers and church-supporting congregants.
Share UNCF.org/FaithCampaign with your interfaith community. For more information, contact Gabrielle Branch.
Host a UNCF Day of Worship!
Help make a difference by hosting a day of worship to support the National Interfaith and Education Initiative this year! Contact your local or regional office and get information on how to host an event.
Click here for materials to use with your congregation
Please join UNCF’s National Interfaith and Education Campaign. Let us know what your interests are and we will be in touch.