UNCF National Interfaith and Education Initiative Advisory Council
The UNCF National Interfaith and Education Initiative is an effort to broaden awareness of our core vision and mission across denominations, secure unrestricted financial support to help strengthen our member colleges and universities, strengthen student support and development, and through our advocacy platform help ensure the visibility and viability of UNCF-member schools and other HBCUs. It is supported by a broad spectrum of religious leaders who have committed to work in support of educational opportunities for UNCF students, known as the National Interfaith and Education Initiative Advisory Council. Visit UNCF.org/FaithCampaign for more information.
Yolanda Adams
Rev. Dr. Carlton P. Byrd
Bishop Roy E. Campbell, Jr.
Bishop Michael Curry
Rev. Dr. John C. Dorhauer
Rev. Dr. Cynthia L. Hale
Bishop L. Jonathan Holston
Rev. Joel Osteen
Rev. David R. Peoples
Bishop Adam Richardson
Bishop J. Drew Sheard
Bishop Darryl B. Starnes Sr.
Dr. J. Herbert Nelson II
Bishop Joseph W. Walker, III
Dr. Alyn E. Waller
Dr. LaKeesha Walrond
Dr. Howard-John Wesley
Dr. Jerry Young
Rev. David R. Peoples

Dr. J. Herbert Nelson II

Bishop Joseph W. Walker, III

Presiding Bishop, Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International