Wings Scholars

Wings Scholars at UNCF aims to provide opportunities for young people to overcome their circumstances that hold them back from accessing high-quality education, whether in or out of school.

“This award has been a game-changer for me. I am currently a rising sophomore at Saint Joseph’s university, majoring in biology, as I want to become a doctor. Coming to America was incredibly transformative for me, not only in cultural terms, but also in my relationship to the communities around me. Thank you for helping me achieve my dream.”—Refathun Momo

“Throughout my life,my mother has expressed her belief that having a college education is the key to one’s success and stability in life. I know firsthand regarding this belief as I saw the sacrifices she’s made to assist my older brother obtain his college degree. And while she is more than ready to make the same sacrifices for me, this scholarship eased my fears of falling short financially.”—Devon J. Anderson

“This scholarship has helped my academic career in tremendous ways. It is because of this scholarship that I am able to afford and attend the illustrious Bennett College. I am from the inner city of Philadelphia, PA, where many low-income people are not afforded opportunities to excel. Now, I have the chance to overcome statistics and achieve all of my goals and dreams.”—Ophelia Murray