What is UNCF SPDP?

Committed to eliminating barriers to college access and completion for minority students, UNCF offers a host of programs and initiatives that aim to increase the number and success of minority college graduates.
The goals of these programs include:
- Preparing students to navigate from college to early-stage careers
- Exposing students to industry-sector career opportunities through summer and semester training opportunities at selected organizations
- Reducing financial barriers to undergraduate degrees and early career advancement
- Helping industry sectors build a diverse workforce by helping to identify and prepare high-achieving, well-qualified diverse college student candidates
Coaching For Success
UNCF offers career readiness and coaching to more than 100 minority students who participate in UNCF-sponsored student professional development programs. These programs are structured to provide paid summer and semester internships in order to expose students attending UNCF-member institutions and other colleges and universities to career paths and opportunities.
Students receive one-on-one career coaching and access to relevant career-readiness and leadership development resources and curriculum that help them:
- Enhance critical thinking skills
- Develop stronger project management abilities
- Improve verbal and written communication
- Sharpen workplace productivity
- Hone quality workplace readiness and etiquette
- Gain a greater understanding of their leadership style
- Improve networking skills and interviewing techniques