Most UNCF HBCUs are in the South, but UNCF Helps New England Students Have the HBCU Experience

Lane College, Jackson, TN
Picture a UNCF HBCU student and you think of someone from the South, where almost all UNCF-member institutions are located, right? But UNCF also helps New England students go to and through college at UNCF HBCUs and with UNCF scholarships, and UNCF Boston is ready to help.
The numbers tell the story. Each year, UNCF awards more than 1,000 UNCF scholarships to students from New England. And 190 New England students attend one of UNCF’s 37 HBCUs, all of which receive financial support from UNCF to keep their academic programs strong, their tuition affordable and their student aid available. New England students at UNCF HBCUs are also eligible to take part in pioneering programs like the Fund II Foundation UNCF STEM Scholars Program and the UNCF Career Pathways Initiative, which help colleges and students chart a path from college to career.