Student Story: Christopher Sumlin
“Ella Fitzgerald once stated that, ‘It’s not where you came from, it’s where you’re going that counts.’ This statement truly resonates with me as it is a perfect reflection of my college career thus far. I come from a large family, and I remember growing up not knowing who I wanted to be or what my dreams were, but always knowing that I wanted to go to college. I recall early on being fearful and worrying about how my siblings and I would be able to pay for college and if I was worthy enough to go.

“Years later, I can now say, I have fulfilled my dream of going to college as I currently attend the illustrious UNCF-member institution Morehouse College in Atlanta, GA. I would not be able to say this statement if it were not for UNCF. UNCF has helped me pay for school with its generous scholarships and support. UNCF has also showed me that even though I come from a background that is not the most conducive for higher education, that I, too, can attend college.
“Lastly, UNCF has invested in me, in turn affording me the chance to reach my full potential and follow my dreams. Now I can go back to Ohio as an advocate to young men, like myself, and serve as an example, showcasing that they, too, can reach their dreams with proper support. I appreciate UNCF, and I will continue to do great and do my best to exemplify the characteristics of a UNCF scholar.”