News Releases and Blog
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$100K Raised at Annual Rochester Mayor’s Luncheon Benefiting UNCF
Ways to Donate to Help Students
Want to Make a Difference Within the Justice System? Get There With a Law Degree
UNCF on HBCU Funding Being Removed from Government’s Continuing Resolution
Calling the Dreamers, Builders and Innovators: Get Your Career in Engineering Started
NASA Selects Tuskegee University to Help Advance Aerospace Manufacturing
The MUREP Aerospace High-Volume Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management Cooperative will provide... -
Virginia Union University Receives $50,000 Grant for Substance Abuse Program
The Dee-Davis Family and UNCF Name Recipient of 2018/2019 Ossie Davis Legacy Scholarship
How You Can Succeed in a Career in Healthcare
UNCF Statement on Working in a Bipartisan Manner with Federal Officials and Candidates
Senator Stalemates as HBCU Supporters Clamor to Reinstate Resources for Schools that Expired on Sept. 30
UNCF Mourns Passing of Chairman Elijah Eugene Cummings