What is the Empower Me Tour?

The UNCF Empower Me Tour (EMT)©—is a free, in-person or virtual event — a national series established to inspire and motivate high school students, college students and recent college graduates toward academic excellence, career success and personal responsibility.

EMT provides the opportunity for thousands of high school and college students and recent college graduates to gain acceptance into undergraduate or graduate schools, earn scholarship funds and/or secure jobs and internships on location. Participants attend a series of presentations, panels and interactive workshops offered through two distinct tracks—a college-readiness program and a career-readiness program—to help them get successfully to and through college and obtain meaningful employment thereafter.

EMT: Coming Your Way!

Empower Me Tours are gearing up for visits across the country. Find your region and sign up!





Please check back periodically as season updates are pending.

Dr. Lomax Speaks about EMT