UNCF Empower Me Tour Offers Participants College Info, Acceptances and Scholarships in One Day

The UNCF Empower Me Tour (EMT)©, a free, college-and-career-readiness event, helping students get to and through college. The event was created twelve years ago by founding sponsor Wells Fargo to inspire students to take control of their futures by pursuing a four-year college degree and graduating with an education that prepares them for personal responsibility and careers in the 21st century. “Getting students of color to and through college is an attainable goal that UNCF is making a reality through programs such as EMT,” said Paulette Jackson, UNCF vice president of national development.
Each year, UNCF-member institutions send representatives to participate in Empower Me Tour events. Last year, nearly $12 million in scholarships were awarded by UNCF-member institutions during UNCF’s EMT.
EMT participants are given an opportunity to attend in-person or virtual HBCU workshops with award-winning speakers, presenters, and recruiters, who often offer onsite admissions and academic scholarships on the spot. Many of the events also offer parent sessions, where parents and guardians receive expert tips on how to financially prepare for their student’s higher education journey.
Scheduled Stops
EMT events offer information and workshops for college-bound high school students. The sessions are free, but registration is required.
Visit UNCF.org/EMT for more details, or contact empowermetour@uncf.org.