News Releases and Blog
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Credit Suisse: Endowment with UNCF Funding Scholarships for Students in NC-based HBCUs
Miss UNCF Talladega College receives UNCF donation from her city
The Walt Disney Company UNCF Internship Program—Now Open!
The Entertainment Industry Needs You! -
Ben’s Original™ Seat at the Table™ Fund Offers Food Career Scholarships
The Pierre and Tana Matisse Foundation Establishes $1M UNCF Scholarship Program
UNCF Announces Panda Cares Scholarship Winners
Brookshire Grocery Co. Establishes ‘Focus on the Future’ Scholarship Endowment at Jarvis Christian College
UNCF Establishes $1M MetLife Foundation Scholarship Program
Budweiser Commits to Nationwide UNCF Scholarship Program for Black Students to Enter Brewing Industry
Synovus Contributes $1M to UNCF, Names Scholarship to Honor Rep. Calvin Smyre
Reboot Representation Tech Coalition, UNCF Partner to Support Black Women Pursuing Computing Degrees
Four Benedict College Students Named 2020 HBCU Competitiveness Scholars by White House Initiative on HBCUs