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UNCF CEO’s Statement on Education Sec. Devos Speaking at Bethune-Cookman University
Six Reasons HBCUs Are More Important Than Ever
Here are six reasons that historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) remain more... -
HBCU Summit Focused on Excellence, Innovation and Sustainability
"America's Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) are living monuments to... -
UNCF CEO: Student Debt, Parents’ Actions, Affect African American Students
"Whether they went to college themselves or not, parents will have a great influence in... -
UNCF Joins Coalition in Sending Letter to NAACP Regarding Proposed Moratorium on Charter Schools
Dr. Lomax: Are Black Families Prepared for College?
"Our kids have got to get the education they need to succeed in the 21st century." -
Dr. Michael L. Lomax: Get to Know the CEO
Michael Lomax, Ph.D., is president and CEO of UNCF, the nation's largest and most successful... -
Dr. Lomax Addresses Senate Democrats on Student Loan Debt
Statement by UNCF Regarding Dr. Michael Lomax’s Participation at the Koch Summit