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News Releases and Blog
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All in the Family: 3 Family Members Attended Tuskegee University
Clark Atlanta University Student Succeeding Thanks to UNCF and Foot Locker Foundation Scholarship
HBCUs like Oakwood University Pave the Way for Student Success
Fisk University Triple Major Dreams of being NASCAR Mechanical Engineer
Student Stories: Malcolm Jolley
Cultivating a Growing Need for STEM Expertise
Choose Pre-Med: The Path to a Becoming a Doctor
The FIRST x UNCF Scholars Program to Serve Students Pursuing Undergraduate Programs at Minority Serving Institutions
STEM Students: Apply for Afrotech™ World Scholarship
Reboot Representation Tech Coalition, UNCF Partner to Support Black Women Pursuing Computing Degrees
NMSI and UNCF to Launch STEM Teacher Preparation Program with HBCUs in Six States and DC
Programming the Future: Imagine Yourself in Computer Science