News Releases and Blog
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Cultivating a Growing Need for STEM Expertise
Choose Pre-Med: The Path to a Becoming a Doctor
The FIRST x UNCF Scholars Program to Serve Students Pursuing Undergraduate Programs at Minority Serving Institutions
STEM Students: Apply for Afrotech™ World Scholarship
Reboot Representation Tech Coalition, UNCF Partner to Support Black Women Pursuing Computing Degrees
NMSI and UNCF to Launch STEM Teacher Preparation Program with HBCUs in Six States and DC
Programming the Future: Imagine Yourself in Computer Science
In a Single Day, U.S. House and Senate Pass Permanent “FUTURE” Funding for STEM Programs at HBCUs, TCUs, HSIs, MSIs
UNCF claims success as bill heads to President Trump to sign -
How You Can Succeed in a Career in Healthcare
Improve our Planet: How to Become an Environmental Scientist
Dillard University Receives $1.25 Million for STEM Education and Research
The Impact of HBCUs on Diversity in STEM Fields